@GAMETITLE 1 Magic: The Gathering @WINDOWTITLES 7 %s Attack Your attack Spell Chain Opponent Your hand Save Duel Load Saved Duel @SAVEGAMEFILETYPE 1 MTG Gauntlet Save Game @DIALOGBUTTONS 3 OK Cancel Done @BUTTONLABELS 2 Cancel Done @COLORWORDS 15 black blue green red white Black Blue Green Red White BLACK BLUE GREEN RED WHITE @LANDWORDS 15 swamp island forest mountain plains Swamp Island Forest Mountain Plains SWAMP ISLAND FOREST MOUNTAIN PLAINS @ABILITYWORDS 17 Flying Web Banding Trample First strike Regenerates Swampwalk Islandwalk Forestwalk Mountainwalk Plainswalk Protection from black Protection from blue Protection from green Protection from red Protection from white Protection from artifacts @COLORLESSMANA 1 Colorless @OPPONENT 1 Opponent @ENCHANTMENTTYPENAME 1 Enchantment @ARTISTLINE 1 Illus. %s @CARDTITLES 5 Damage Hunting: %s Activation Upkeep Draw a card @HUNTING_SUBTYPENAMES 219 None Abomination Abu Jafar Aladdin Ali Baba Ali from Cairo Angel Ants Ape(s) Ape(s) Archaeoligist Archer Artifact Asp Assassin Atog Avatar Avenger(s) Avenger(s) Badger Ball Lightning Bandits Banshee Basilisk Bats Bears Beasts Bees Being Berserker Bird Maiden Boars Bodyguard Brothers Bull Camel Caretaker Cat Warriors Cavalry Cave People Centaur Cleric Clone Cobra Cockatrice Creature Dandan Dead Demon Dervish Devils Devourer Djinn Doppleganger Dragon Dragonfly Drake Druid Dwarves Eater Eel Effigy Efreet Egg El-hajjaj Elder Dragon Elemental Elephant Elves Enchantment Enchantress Entity Evil Eye Exorcist Faerie(s) Faerie(s) Falcon Fallen Flying Men Force Fungusaur Gaea's Liege Gargoyle Ghosts Ghoul Giant Gnomes Goblin(s) Goblin(s) Gremlins Guardian(s) Guardian(s) Gypsies Hag Hero Horror Horseman Hunter Hydra Imp Island Fish Jackal Jaguar Keepers King Kithkin Knight(s) Knight(s) Kobolds Land Leeches Legenary Legend Legendary Legionnaire Leviathan Lions Lord Lost Soul Lurker Lycanthrope Mammoth Mana Birds Manticore Marid Master Medusa Merfolk Minotaur Mob Monster MossMonster Mummy Murk Dwellers Nameless Niall Silvain Nightmare Nomads Nymphs Ogre Ooze Orcs Paladin Pegasus People Phantasm Phoenix Pikemen Pixie(s) Pixie(s) Poltergeist Preacher Priest Rag Man Raiders Rats Riders Robbers Roc Rock Sled Rukh Sage Sand Warrior Satyr Savant Scavengers Scorpion Sergent Serpent Shade Shadow Shark Ship Sindbad Singing Tree Sisters Skeletons Slug Smith Snake Sorceress Spawn Specter Sphinx Spider Spirit Spuzzem Squire Stalker Stangg Taskmaster Tetravite Tortoise Tracker Treefolk Troll Turtle Uncle Istvan Unicorn Vampire Veteran Villain Viper Vultures Wall Whippoorwill Will-O'-The-Wisp Witches Wizard Wolverines Wolves Wombat World Wraith Wretched Wurm Yeti Zombies na @DIALOG_STARTCOINFLIP 1 Start of Duel @DIALOG_PLAYORDRAW 7 %s won the toss and will play first. and has chosen to draw first. You won the coin toss. Would you like to: Play first Draw first @DIALOG_MULLIGAN 12 %s will start first You will take the first turn %s ante: Your ante: %s has no land and chose to take a mulligan %s has all land and will take a mulligan %s has chosen to take a mulligan %s did not take a mulligan %s will also take a mulligan %s decided not to take a mulligan Take &mulligan &Start the duel @DIALOG_SHANDALARENDDUEL 3 %s won You won! The duel is a draw @DIALOG_GAUNTLETENDDUEL 4 That was round %d Your record is %d/%d/%d &Next round &Quit Gauntlet @DIALOG_ENDDUEL 2 %s next draw: Your next draw: @DIALOG_MANABURN 3 Mana Burn! %s loses %d life You lose %d life @DIALOG_VIEWANTES 2 %s ante: Your ante: @DIALOG_COINFLIP 2 Coin flip results: Heads Coin flip results: Tails @DIALOG_DUELOPTIONS 19 Duel Options &Layout Standard Advanced Show coin &flip animations Show &cue cards Show &abilities on small cards Show &power/toughness on small cards See next &draws at end of duel Your &territory background White Blue Black Red Green Deck color Line drawing Pattern Mana symbols @DIALOG_GAUNTLETOPTIONS 11 Gauntlet Options Difficulty Match Size Best of &Three Best of &One A&nte Enemy Level &Apprentice &Magician &Sorcerer &Wizard @DIALOG_GAUNTLETSTARTUP 15 Game &Gauntlet &Single Duel DIFFICULTY: Gauntlet &Options... &Duel Options... O&pponent's Deck Random deck Pick a deck &Your deck Random deck Pick a deck &Create Deck... &Load saved game... E&xit @DIALOG_CHANGETEXT 2 &Change word: &To: @DIALOG_FIREBALL 7 Generic &mana to put into the spell: (max: %d) X cost: Cost for additional targets: # &Targets: (max %d) Amount of damage to be done each target: @CUECARD_OTHER 12 Minimized attack window Minimized spell chain %s library Your library %s life points %s life points and poison counters Your life points Your life points and poison counters %s graveyard Your graveyard Scrollbar Scroll thumb @CUECARD_MANAPOOL 14 %s mana pool: amount of Colorless %s mana pool: amount of Black %s mana pool: amount of Blue %s mana pool: amount of Green %s mana pool: amount of Red %s mana pool: amount of White %s mana pool: amount of Artifact Your mana pool: amount of Colorless Your mana pool: amount of Black Your mana pool: amount of Blue Your mana pool: amount of Green Your mana pool: amount of Red Your mana pool: amount of White Your mana pool: amount of Artifact @CUECARD_PHASEBAR 23 %s Untap phase %s Upkeep phase %s Draw phase %s Main phase (precombat) %s Main phase (combat) %s Main phase (postcombat) %s Discard phase %s Cleanup phase Your Untap phase Your Upkeep phase Your Draw phase Your Main phase (precombat) Your Main phase (declare combat) Your Main phase (postcombat) Your Discard phase Your Cleanup phase Choose attackers phase Attacker fast effects phase Assign defenders phase Blocker fast effects phase Resolve 1st strike damage Resolve normal damage Main phase (postcombat) @CUECARD_SMALLCARD 9 Damage to player This card will untap Damage: %d Card is not controlled by owner Is a target Can't target this Is a target, can't target again Dying Summoning sickness @CUECARD_COUNTERS_ArmageddonClock 1 Doom counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_ManaBattery 1 Charge counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_ClockworkAvian 1 Clockwork (+1/+0) counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_ClockworkBeast 1 Clockwork (+1/+0) counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_LuckyCharms 1 Life counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_Fungusaur 1 +1/+1 counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_WhirlingDervish 1 +1/+1 counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_LivingArtifact 1 Vitality counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_OsaiVultures 1 Carrion counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_ScavengingGhouls 1 Corpse counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_SengirVampire 1 +1/+1 counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_NecropolisOfAzar 1 Husk counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_Triskelion 1 +1/+1 counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_Tetravus 1 Drone (+1/+1) counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_TimeVault 1 Turn counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_OrcishCatapult 1 Damage (-0/-1) counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_UnstableMutation 1 Mutation (-1/-1) counters: %d @CUECARD_COUNTERS_SpiritShackle 1 Shackle (-0/-2) counters: %d @MENU_ATTACK 2 Minimize Help... @MENU_MINIMIZEDATTACK 2 Restore Help... @MENU_SPELLCHAIN 2 Minimize Help... @MENU_MINIMIZEDSPELLCHAIN 2 Restore Help... @MENU_FACE 4 Target %s Target yourself Flip back to lifepoints Help... @MENU_FULLCARD 3 Expand text box Help for this card... Help... @MENU_HAND 1 Help... @MENU_LIBRARY 2 Count library cards Help... @MENU_LIFE 4 Target %s Target yourself Flip over to face Help... @MENU_MANAPOOL 8 Spend 1 mana: black Spend 1 mana: blue Spend 1 mana: green Spend 1 mana: red Spend 1 mana: white Spend 1 mana: colorless Spend 1 mana: artifact Help... @MENU_GRAVEYARD 4 View the graveyard View the out-of-play cards View both antes Help... @MENU_TERRITORY 26 Go to: Upkeep phase Go to: Draw phase Go to: Main phase (precombat) Go to: Main phase (combat) Go to: Attack Fast Effects phase Go to: Choose Defenders phase Go to: Block Fast Effects phase Go to: Resolve first strike damage Go to: Resolve combat Go to: Main phase (postcombat) Go to: Discard phase Go to: Cleanup phase Go to: Start of next turn Go to: next phase Arrange your cards\tDblClk Arrange opponent's cards\tDblClk Duel Options... Show ID tags\tCtrl+T Show invisible effects\tCtrl+I Show all cards' summoning sickness\tCtrl+U Minimize Save game...\tCtrl+S About... Help... Concede Yes, I'm sure @MENU_SMALLCARD 8 Original type Show full card\tR DblClk View in full card Don't auto tap this card Show ID tags\tCtrl+T Show invisible effects\tCtrl+I Show all cards' summoning sickness\tCtrl+U Help... @MENU_PHASEBAR 4 Run to this phase Mark this phase to always stop Help for this phase... Help... @PROMPT_STILLTHINKING 1 Still thinking... @PROMPT_CHOOSEDEFENDERS 1 Choose defenders @PROMPT_ASSERT 1 Please call MPS Customer Support 1-510-522-1164 @PROMPT_STARTUPERROR 9 Duel couldn't run Couldn't find raw card data file %s Couldn't find raw special card data file %s (or the number of cards in it didn't match CARDS.DAT) Not enough system resources to determine display color depth Couldn't create the palette Couldn't create the app-wide memory DC or bitmap Couldn't initialize for card drawing Couldn't initialize for utility drawing Couldn't create the main window @PROMPT_RESOLUTIONERROR 1 Not enough system memory to run at this screen resolution.\n\nChange it back to a smaller size before continuing (the game will hide itself until then). @PROMPT_SYSERR 2 Error The following error has ocurred in the Magic duel which will cause the current card to behave improperly (to not perform all of its effect or not deal all of its damage):\n\n%s\n @PROMPT_BANDWITHWHOM 3 Band with which attacker? Illegal band. That isn't an attacker. @PROMPT_DEFENDWHOM 3 Block which attacker? Illegal block. That isn't an attacker. @PROMPT_RESOLVECOMBAT 10 %s: Assign damage to blockers, %d points left %s: Assign trample damage to blockers, %d points left Assign %d damage Assign %d trample damage Illegal target (wrong attack group) Illegal target (gaseous form) %s: Assign damage to attackers, %d points left Assign %d damage Illegal target (wrong attack group) Illegal target (gaseous form) @PROMPT_ACTION 3 CASTING ACTIVATING PROCESSING @PROMPT_FASTEFFECTS 3 Triggered effects?...%s Interrupts?...%s Fast Effects?...%s @PROMPT_CHECKFEPHASE 12 Damage prevention Trying to cast %s Cast %s Activate %s Process %s Upkeep Phase Draw Phase Main Phase Assign Attackers Assign Blockers Discard Phase Use Regeneration Effects @PROMPT_SPECIALFEPHASE 16 Card into play Card leaving play Damage Dealing Graveyard order Card(s) to Graveyard Draw a card Casting Tapping Begin Upkeep End Upkeep Draw Phase Choose Attackers Pay for attacker Choose Defenders End of Combat End of Turn @PROMPT_UNTAP 2 Untap effects? Paused: Untap phase @PROMPT_MAIN 8 Main phase (before combat): cast spells Main phase (before combat): cast spells, play land Main phase (after combat): cast spells Main phase (after combat): cast spells, play land Combat phase: Choose attackers. Illegal attacker. Band with other attacker? Combat phase: Choose blockers. @PROMPT_DISCARD 1 Paused: Discard phase @PROMPT_STOPANYWAY 9 Paused Paused: Upkeep phase Paused: Untap phase Paused: Draw phase Paused: Main phase Paused: Discard phase Paused: Cleanup phase Paused: First strike damage resolution Paused: Combat damage resolution @PROMPT_GRABMANA 3 Tap %s %s(%d so far) %s(%d so far, max %d) @PROMPT_GRABMANA_DUALUSE 1 Which color to use that choice as? @PROMPT_DRAWACARD 3 Draw Card No more cards, you lose. No more cards, opponent loses. @PROMPT_DISCARDACARD 5 Select card to discard. at random to discard. to discard. Discard to Library. Discard to Graveyard. @PROMPT_NEWFULLCARD 1 %s selects: @PROMPT_CAST1 2 %s casts... %s casts...\nX is %d. @PROMPT_TAP1 3 %s activates... %s activates...\nX is %d. %s activates...\n(with %d mana). @PROMPT_PAYUPKEEP 2 Pay Upkeep costs. Don't pay Upkeep. @PROMPT_PROC1 2 %s processes... %s processes...\nX is %d. @PROMPT_CHOOSEBLOCKERS 3 Choose blockers Block which attacker? Illegal block. @PROMPT_ILLEGALTARGET 2 Illegal target. Illegal target (%s). @PROMPT_ILLEGALTARGETWHY 29 ,player ,can't target this ,where ,controller ,owner ,type ,abilities ,color ,card type ,subtype ,power ,toughness ,walls ,spell ,basic land ,artifact creature ,target player ,tapped ,attacking ,attacked ,blocked ,blocking ,attacking/blocking ,enchanted ,casted ,cast resolved ,damaged ,can untap ,will untap @WORDSTOHACK_BLACK 4 1swamps 2Swamp 2swamp a swamp @WORDSHACKED_BLACK 4 SWAMPS SWAMP SWAMP a SWAMP @WORDSTOHACK_BLUE 4 1islands 2Island 2island an island @WORDSHACKED_BLUE 4 ISLANDS ISLAND ISLAND an ISLAND @WORDSTOHACK_GREEN 4 1forests 2Forest 2forest a forest @WORDSHACKED_GREEN 4 FORESTS FOREST FOREST a FOREST @WORDSTOHACK_RED 4 1mountains 2Mountain 2mountain a mountain @WORDSHACKED_RED 4 MOUNTAINS MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN a MOUNTAIN @WORDSTOHACK_WHITE 4 1plains 2Plains 2plains a plains @WORDSHACKED_WHITE 4 PLAINS PLAINS PLAINS a PLAINS @WORDSTOSLEIGHT_BLACK 3 black Black non-black @WORDSLEIGHTED_BLACK 3 BLACK BLACK non-BLACK @WORDSTOSLEIGHT_BLUE 3 blue Blue non-blue @WORDSLEIGHTED_BLUE 3 BLUE BLUE non-BLUE @WORDSTOSLEIGHT_GREEN 3 green Green non-green @WORDSLEIGHTED_GREEN 3 GREEN GREEN non-GREEN @WORDSTOSLEIGHT_RED 3 red Red non-red @WORDSLEIGHTED_RED 3 RED RED non-RED @WORDSTOSLEIGHT_WHITE 3 white White non-white @WORDSLEIGHTED_WHITE 3 WHITE WHITE non-WHITE @GAUNTLET 10 \n Congratulations!\n\n \n Too bad\n\n \n Oh well... \nThe duel ended in a tie\n\n You won the match.\n\n \n\n Your next duel is against %s.\n Do you wish to continue? You've successfully run the gauntlet!\n You've won the duel!\n You lost the game.\n \n\n The match continues... @GAUNTLETERRORS 10 Duel Error Your selected deck is not a legal deck. Please select a new deck. Player's deck %s is invalid. Player's deck %s is invalid. Wrong version number. Player's deck %s is invalid. Decks must have a minimum of 40 cards. Error loading deck file: %s Opponent's deck %s is invalid. Opponent's deck %s is invalid. Wrong version number. Opponent's deck %s is invalid. Decks must have a minimum of 40 cards. Couldn't bring up the startup screen @ABOUTBOX 3 MAGIC: THE GATHERING © 1997 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. MAGIC: THE GATHERING is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. MicroProse Software, Inc. is an official licensee. Computer code © 1997 MicroProse Software, Inc.